Sunday, May 12, 2013

Voyage into the Wind

It's been a while since I last posted. A lot has been happening. I signed up for a story analysis by Larry Brooks at Based on his insight and suggestions, I decided to set my book aside and work on another one. I sent it to Larry for another analysis. This went much better, and so I've decided to write the second book. The first book needs a lot of work and I'd rather spend the time on a book that is in better shape.

But, things happen. I offered to help a friend publish a book her dad wrote, and that required me to postpone my book. His book is almost done, and we hope to publish it on Amazon and Createspace in the next week or so. It is an amazing story. He wrote about his escape from Bataan at the beginning of WWII with another solder in a 22-foot boat to Australia, where they were awarded the Distinguished Service Cross by Gen. MacArthur. After the escape, Col. Osborne joined Merrill's Marauders to command the First Battalion Red and White combat teams.

I've set up a book site at:  Voyage into the Wind